Friday, October 26, 2007

Now I know who the original party animals are…

Last night me and my cousins decided to take our parents out to club. You won’t be surprised that they hadn’t been to club or disc (whatever you call it) before.

It all began with asking us a stream of questions- what to wear, do you need to know how to move, do you get food there, what kind of music they play and so on.

So, first we went to a club Zaha. Everyone even the ones who hadn’t been to club rejected the place because of bad crowd and bad music. We then moved on to a contrast option – Scream in Le Meridien. As soon as we got there the stupid flash hotel rules were applied and dad was told off for wearing chappals. That was sort of a non-starter for us. Everyone else went in. Me and my dad managed to borrow my friend’s shoes and we were ready to party.

As we got in, I saw Ajit kaka (uncle) comfortably sitting on a chair with drinks and chips in front of him, guarding the bags and moving in his own way. I thought we would need a couple of drinks to relax everyone but NO! I saw mum and my aunts had already found a corner and they were quite high on the experience. Everyone seemed like they were regulars at this place. Mum who always says “show me some dance steps na”, was definitely showing others how to move. A couple of drinks down each one was dancing in their own way…not bothered about who’s watching them or anything. Then came the tequila shots and after that no one stopped dancing.

In the meantime, I was swapping messages with dada (brother in London) and his reaction to the whole thing was “Yedyagat! Sagli vandal mandali thik ahet na!!!!”
They're not bad dancers- JUST DIFFERENT!

Imagine yourself sitting in a club. Your eyes move on to a horde of dancers on the dance floor. They seem to be dancing pretty well. Where as there are a few of them who seem to be different than the rest. Out of the blue you over hear a few comments such as, "Oh! She can't dance". Sometimes the comments are even more nasty, "look at that clown" or "he is just hopping - may be he should take some lessons!"

Have you ever voiced this to yourself- What is the motive behind dancing? Just move your eyes towards the other corner of the dance floor. You can see a person who is freaking out up to the fullest. His steps appear weird to you, he is banging his head more times than he is supposed to, his actions speak louder than the music being played. He is not bothered about the people who are looking at him.He belongs to a particular category of dancers, which dance every dance (even if they can't!) They are always smiling and having fun. I always watch these dancers in fascination.
When you are dancing in front of a mirror behind close doors in your bedroom you are not thinking of your dancing style or the kind of steps you do. You are just moving to the music or for that matter moving without music. You are dancing in way that you want and that you derive pleasure from. Your feet are moving to the tunes of your heart and not to the tunes of others' judgments.So, when your only intent behind attending a social gathering is having fun, then why to restrict yourself to the common or the "in" style of dancing. Why can't you dance the way you dance in front of your mirror? Even if you just get up and sway to music, that is your way of expressing yourself. Try thinking, 'They are not bad dancers- they're just different'.